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A quick guide to installing Millennium.



To install Millennium on windows, we use a PowerShell installer script. To run the script, open PowerShell, paste the following command, and press enter.

This installer is entirely open source and we encourage the community audit the source code.

Millennium is entirely portable, and the following script doesn't change any system configuration.

iwr -useb "" | iex


Start by downloading the Millennium's Windows assets from this repository under the name Simply put all files into your Steam directory, which you can find by running the PowerShell command below

(Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Valve\Steam" -Name "InstallPath").InstallPath

We don't support Steam installed via Flatpak or Snap. We also don't support any ARM based distributions as they require custom Steam installations.


Looking to package Millennium for your favorite distribution? It should be a relatively simple process, the filesystem hierarchy is easily change-able here. From there you can build Millennium to use any filesystem standard!

Arch Linux (AUR)

We officially offer support for Millennium on the Arch User Repository (AUR).


We don't currently have a package for NixOS but it's somewhat in development in #227. Feel free to contribute and help finish the package.

Other Distributions


Shell (pre-built binary)

This installer is entirely open source and we encourage the community audit the source code.

curl -fsSL "" | sudo sh

If you are on Arch based linux distributions, you can run millennium patch, otherwise you can download the Millennium start script and change the /usr/lib/steam/steam to your steam path (whereis steam)