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To uninstall Millennium on windows, we use a PowerShell installer script. To run the script, open PowerShell, paste the following command, and press enter. The uninstaller lets you uninstall Millennium components in modules, and everything it will/ever has put on the disk will be caught by the uninstaller.

iwr -useb "" | iex

If you receive any errors while trying to uninstall Millennium, reinstall it. This will clean your installation of Millennium. You can then proceed with the removal process.


Close Steam and navigate to your Steam directory and then look through the assets repository, or find manually find the filenames associated with Millennium.

The installed binaries on your system may be listed below depending on the version of Millennium. As of Millennium@v2.2.2 the binaries are:

  • user32.dll
  • python311.dll

If you want a deeper clean of Millennium, you can also remove all of its assets. As of Millennium@v2.2.2, the assets are found in the paths below (replacing {steam} with steams actual location)

  • {steam}/steamui/skins - User Themes
  • {steam}/plugins - User Plugins
  • {steam}/ext - Millennium Internal Data

If you don't know where steam is installed, you can run this in powershell

(Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Valve\Steam" -Name "InstallPath").InstallPath