📄️ ready()
Calling this function is required if you have a python backend in your plugin. If you chose to not have a python backend, set useBackend to false in your plugin.json
📄️ steam_path()
Retrieves the current Steam path. This path is garunteed to be the location where Steam is installed.
📄️ call_frontend_method()
Call a frontend method (Javascript Method) with list of params. The order of the parameters are important
📄️ add_browser_css()
Add a CSS module to the steam store/community
📄️ add_browser_js()
Add a JS module to the steam store/community
📄️ remove_browser_module()
Remove a module from the steam store/community.
📄️ set_user_settings_key()
Set, or update a key value pair in the user settings. If the inputted key does not exist, it is created, otherwise it is modified.
📄️ get_user_settings()
Retrieve the users local json settings and returns as python key-value dictionary.
📄️ version()
Gets the current version of millennium