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Tips & tricks

Things to make theming much easier.

Hard to style windows

There are windows that disappear on unfocus or after some action, copy & paste the following in the SharedJSContext console and open them again:

g_PopupManager.AddPopupCreatedCallback((e) => {
setTimeout(() => {
const popup = e.m_popup;
const popup_doc = popup.document;
const new_wnd =

}, 1_000);

This will open the exact same window that will not disappear. The titlebar buttons (and everything else) on created windows will not work, so the system titlebar will be added. To remove it, delete the ?browserType=6 part.

The 1_000 indicates that the window's HTML will be copied to the new one after a second. This may not always work, and so you may have to increase it.

Note that this affects every single window, including notifications, game overlay, etc. You will have to revert this once you're done:


Readable class names

The class names got completely obfuscated one day. Copy & paste the code on the following page in the SharedJSContext console and focus the window you wish to know the actual class names of:

Then copy & paste the following every time you want to do it:


This may take a little bit of time to fully apply, so it's fine if it doesn't respond for some time. It also does not work on elements that may appear after applying, so you will have to redo it again.

This works for other Steam pages, too, like the points store, but you have to paste the code in its own console.

Note that you can only use this to make comments in your theme, but not use it in your code, because they are applied only for the current session.